Jan 16 (Daily reading: Genesis 12-15) We all know the story of Abraham. Let us review his story so that it will continue to inspire us. God told Abram to leave all that was familiar to him, saying, “(Go) to the land which I will show you.” Abram’s faith was evident in the words, “So Abram left, as the LORD had told him” (12:4, NIV). His faith inspired my own call to missions. I knew the location before we went, but God spent many years “showing” me the land and the people of Guadeloupe. Take note of the first thing Abram did when he arrived in the land where God had taken him: “He built an altar to the LORD and called upon the name of the LORD” (12:8).
Abram stumbled in his faith after he went to Egypt because of a famine, but God had his back, and he returned to the altar he had made in the beginning at Bethel. At that altar, again, “Abram called on the name of the LORD” (13:4). In our faith journey, we will stumble, and we will find it necessary to return to when we first began our walk with God, to affirm His call upon our life!
Because he had a lifestyle of calling upon God, Abram received a renewed vision from God: “Do not fear, Abram, I am a shield to you; your reward shall be very great” (15:1). Abram’s faith was tested; he had been promised, “I will make you into a great nation” (12:2), but he was still childless. God showed him the innumerable stars and told him, “So shall your descendants be.” Because Abram believed this word from the Lord, “He credited it to him as righteousness” (15:5-6). The Bible is honest with us about the weakness of human faith, and about the greatness of God. We will experience His greatness to the extent that we believe!
-Al Gary
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