Sunday, Jan 31 (Daily reading: Exodus 4-6) We are looking at God’s call through Moses’s questions. Remember that he had tried to help God’s people in his own way and had failed miserably (2:12). We need to learn, like Moses did, to let God be God, and let Him do things His way!
(4:1-5) Moses’s next question: “What if they do not believe me? They probably won’t even believe that I have seen You!” God answered with a question of His own: “What is that in your hand?” Moses answered, “A staff.” God said, “Throw it on the ground.” I again share what I wrote in my first book: “That which was just a staff became an instrument in God’s hands in the delivery of His
people from slavery and during their journey into the wilderness. When God calls you and you feel inadequate, think about whatever is ‘in your hand.’ The truth is, we are totally inadequate to answer God’s call because He calls us to do His work, and only He can do that! Take what is in your hand, whatever God has provided, and consecrate it for His service. It will be sufficient for the work God calls you to do, not because of your adequacy but because of His power in and through you!” (page 19).
(4:10-15) Moses’s final excuse: “Please LORD, I have never been eloquent…for I am slow of speech and slow of tongue.” God’s answer should silence all of our excuses based on our own inadequacies: “Who has made man’s mouth? Or who makes him mute or deaf, or seeing or blind? Is it not I, the LORD? Now then go, and I, even I, will be with your mouth, and teach you what you are to say.” Even so, God provided encouragement by sending Aaron to be with Moses in this venture. God said, “I Myself will be with your mouth and his mouth, and I will instruct you in what you are to do.” It matters little who is talking, or acting, as long as we are trusting God to speak and act through us!
-Al Gary
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