The International Christian Fellowship (ICF) Church welcomes peoples from all ethnic backgrounds and national origins. Our church has received into membership people from multiple nations and nationalities. ICF exists to know God and to make Him known to ALL people so that everyone has the opportunity to experience the life-changing reality available only in Jesus Christ.
To know Christ more fully, and to make Him known.

Sunday Morning Church Service
We are an International group of believers, some of whom English is their second language. Our sermons and Bible studies have depth, but at the same we strive to make them simple, logical, and easy to understand.
10:00am – Prayer & Fellowship
We begin our Sunday’s at 10:00am with prayer. Afterwards, we read the Bible together, and enjoy Christian fellowship.
10:45am – Worship Service
The Bible says to speak to yourselves in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord. And so we do just that.
11:00am – Preaching From The Bible
Our goal as a church is to effectively communicate the gospel and biblical truth. We preach from Genesis to Revelation, with simple, logical, and easy to understand words, equipping believers with Truth.
12:00pm – Group Discussions

After the sermon, we break up into small discussion groups, giving people a chance to talk and ask questions about the sermon. This is a great time to increase your understanding.
12:30pm – Pot Luck Lunch
We enjoy good food and Christian fellowship with other believers and International students. This is a great time to meet new people and make friends.
We Meet at the Atlas Building
Near Broadway and University by Texas Tech.
2406 Broadway St, Lubbock, TX 79401
Serving International Students
Many International students studying at Texas Tech are far away from their home, family, and friends.
From hosting family friendly parties, to helping with driving lessons and moving furniture, we are committed to helping our International student guests feel at home and welcomed.
Throughout the week, we host a variety of gatherings and dinners. We invite you to join us. This is a great time to meet new people and make new friends.
Monday Evening Bible Study and Prayer
Join other Christian believers for a time of exciting Bible study and fellowship as we read verse by verse and discuss different topics. We start at 8:30pm. Sometimes our discussions have gone as late as 2am! But you don’t have to stay the whole time 🙂

Indoor Soccer
We love playing soccer and play indoor soccer at the Soccer Box. Our church has both a mens team and a coed team, and we invite anyone to play with us. Soccer is a fun international sport, and is a great way for Americans to meet new international Tech students, and for international students to become friends with Americans.

International Parties

Board games and chess!

