Category: Sermons
The Resurrection of Jesus Christ
Transcript Welcome everyone! Happy Easter! Or Resurrection Sunday, more plainly called. Of all the holidays, or Holy-Days, that we celebrate, Resurrection Sunday is absolutely the most important holiday. The most significant holiday. And the reason we celebrate Easter is because we are honoring the most important person ever in our history. We are commemorating the…
Philip the Evangelist Preaches the Gospel – Acts 8
We are now in Chapter 8 in our reading in the book of Acts. In this chapter we see the effects of the Jewish leaders persecuting the early Christians during the 1st century. Earlier in chapter 6 and 7, we read that the Sanhedrin Council, made up of the highest Jewish leaders in Israel, we…
Their Charge: You Have Filled Jerusalem with Your Doctrine – Acts 5:12-42
Today we will be continuing our reading from the book of Acts, beginning at Chapter 5, verse 12, and going all the way through to the end at verse 42. Since we have a lot to cover, we are going to jump right in. Let’s begin reading: 12 And by the hands of the apostles…
Pricked in Their Heart, “What Shall We Do?” – Acts 2:22-47
Last week, Al talked about the Holy Spirit coming upon the Disciples. And they all started speaking in different languages that they were not used to speaking in. And the Jews at Jerusalem, who had come from different nations and had different languages, all heard the disciples speak in their own language. Now, how many…
Having a Full Assurance of Faith – Hebrews Chapter 11:1-7
Sermon Transcript: Hebrews Chapter 11. In the first section of Hebrews, chapters 1 through 10, the author Paul dealt with theological issues. He showed how Jesus is greater than the three Pillars of Judaism. Again, the Three Pillars of Judaism that Paul outlines are angels, Moses, and the Levitical Priesthood. These are three things that…
Jesus is Greater than Moses – Hebrews Chapter 3
Sermon Transcript: Hebrews Chapter 3. Paul is now going to go on to explain how Jesus is greater than the second pillar of Judaism, which is Moses. In our introduction, we outlined the three pillars of Judaism, which are angels, Moses, and the Levitical System. This is based on a “Midrash”, which are basically Old…
Jesus a High Priest After the Order of Melchizedek
Sermon Transcript: Hebrews Chapter 7. Today we will be talking about this mysterious person named Melchizedek. And the Apostle Paul will now finally elaborate in detail how Jesus is a high priest after the order of Melchizedek. It took Paul 24 verses, from the time he first mentioned Jesus and Melchizedek, to now finally expounding…
Romans 13 – How We Should Live In Regards to Human Government
Sermon Transcript: Now let’s just really quickly review: Paul, in the first 8 chapters, Paul outlines the theology of God’s righteousness, and what God’s righteousness is all about. And Paul makes clear that God’s standard of righteousness is different than our standard of righteousness. And how God declares us to be righteous, is different, than…
You Can’t Lose Your Salvation, but You Can Forfeit Your Rewards – Pressing on Towards Christian Maturity
Sermon Transcript: The Book of Hebrews is one of the most difficult books in the Bible to be 100% certain on, of its intended meaning. Whenever I study the Bible, I’ll read it first on my own, trusting that the Holy Spirit will guide me unto the truth. And I also check other commentaries, and…
Jesus Taught That We Need to Humbly Admit Our Guilt
When it comes to repentance, God is straightforward. God makes it abundantly clear that people cannot enter the kingdom of God through their own efforts, regardless of how good these efforts may seem to you, or to the people around you. The world is full of religions and ideologies that teach that you can gain…
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