Author: Chris Baldelomar

  • Psalm 126 (Discussion Questions)

    Q. Have you ever experienced a time where your struggles eventually led to joy? How did that process strengthen your faith? Q. In Haggai, the Israelites delayed rebuilding the temple, focusing on their own homes. What modern-day examples exist of people prioritizing their own comfort over time with God and doing God’s work? Q. Psalm…

  • Galatians 6:11-18 (Discussion Questions)

    Q. What are some memorable examples of love you have seen coming from strangers? What do you think motivated the person? Q. What are examples of good works that we can do, that might build up our own glory, and not God’s glory? Q. Have you ever gone through the motions in your religious practice?…

  • Galatians 5:1-13 (Discussion Questions)

    Q. In sports or education, which do you think is more important to become the best in your class? A strong love and passion for your subject, or a strong discipline and work ethic? Why? Q. Which would help you keep God’s commandments better? To be filled with more love for God and people? Or…

  • Galatians 3:19-22 (Discussion Questions)

    Q. Through life experience, do you think you have developed an instinctual sense of moral rights and wrongs that matches God’s moral code? Q. Are there any moral commands in the Bible that you were surprised to learn about, that you didn’t have an instinctual knowledge of previously? Q. What is God’s Law good for?…

  • Galatians 3:1-9 – Discussion Questions

    Q. Is it possible to become a Christian by obeying a set of rules? Q. What is Law? Is law merely a set of rules, or does it include morality, and justice? Q. What is the essence of Law? Q. What is the meaning, or purpose, of life? Is it possible to know the meaning…

  • Galatians 1:1-10 – Discussion Questions

    Q. Is there an area of expertise that you have on a subject, that you think you understand better than most people? Have you ever used your expertise to provide correction when you recognized a misunderstanding? Q. Paul talks about “the gospel” as something central and non-negotiable. What do you understand the gospel to be,…

  • July 14th – Discussion Questions

    Q. Do you think you are more like the man walking through a field, or the merchant actively seeking fine pearls? Q. Jesus was tempted by Satan to gain all the treasures of this world. How did he respond to this temptation? Read Matthew 4:8-10 Q. When was a time when you felt fellowship with…

  • Matthew 25:1-13 – Discussion Questions

    Q. Are riddles common in your culture? How long does it take for you to understand and figure out a riddle? Do you know any riddles? Q. If Jesus spoke in parables that are covert, how much time should we spend trying to accurately understand its true meaning? Q. Do you believe the testimony in…

  • Matthew 7:13-20 – Discussion Questions

    Q. What are examples from your country of a person or leader who professed a certain virtue or ideology, but was not consistent with his actions? Q. What carries more weight…what a person says, or what a person does? Q. Jesus very clearly teaches that there is one narrow way to the Kingdom of God.…

  • Matthew 6:16-24

    Q. Do you see hypocrisy in our culture today? If so, where? Q. Should virtue be taught at schools? If so, what virtues? Q. What kind of virtues do you see on college campuses today? Q. What kind of virtues does Jesus look for in a follower? Q. Can a person obtain a character that…

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