Author: Nathaniel Freedman

  • January 19th – Discussion Questions

  • Galatians 4:21-31 (Discussion Questions)

    Q. Why does God often wait to answer our prayers? Q. Who are Abraham’s children and how does this affect you? Read Luke 19:9-10 Q. What do you think of the statement: “God saves us not only from our sins, but also from our shame”? Share Questions with a Friend

  • Galatians 3:23-4:7 (Discussion Questions)

    Q. Is it fair to say that the Christian Gospel (that God saves sinners) is unique among all of the spiritual beliefs in the world? Q. If the sacrifice of Jesus Christ was insufficient to make us righteous, how would this reflect on God’s Character? (Think about the three persons of the Trinity: God the…

  • Matthew 13:3-23 – Discussion Questions

    Q. What truth about God does everyone have, even if they have never ready the Bible? (Read Romans 1:20) Q. Is God’s grace fair? Is God’s grace just? What’s the difference between fairness and justice? Q. In your life, what are examples of thorns that could choke out the truth of the Gospel? Share Questions…

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