A Rebuttal to the Claim: There is No Relation Between the Plural Name Elohim and the Trinity

A conclusion was made by a Master Divinity graduate and history scholar that there is no relation between the plural name Elohim (אֱלֹהִים) and the trinity. His argument can be read in the following link below.

First, this writer is technically more schooled than myself who is a M.Div graduate. So his perspective carries weight. However, like a good Berean, we should all critically examine and test whether what is being taught is according to truth. Also, I’m not a Hebrew scholar, but we can still research and investigate if a claim holds water or not.

A question I would have for the writer is that he said Eloah is the second most used plural form of El in the Hebrew Bible.

But when I look up the definition for Eloah, it is the absolute singular form of Elohim, and according to etymology, probably the prolonged (emphat.) from El (אֵל)

Eloah is also used in the singular form when referring to a single false god, among many false gods (Elohim), of nations. (2 Chronicles 32:14-15)

Also, Eloah is consistently used in the absolute singular every time I see in the Bible.

In his conclusion, I don’t think his evidence is sound enough to be able to definitively state that there is no relation between the plural name and the trinity. One friend suggested that the linguistic development of Hebrew is complicated and not well documented. I think the writer’s conclusion should be treated as a conjecture, and not as a fact.

Also, he seems to think the writers of the Old Testament were limited by the language of the day, to not be able to be more explicitly clear. However, the Bible says God is not the author of confusion. If the plural form Elohim was the only form available for a reference to God, then conceivably the argument might be made that the writers of the Hebrew Scriptures had no other alternative but to use the word Elohim for both the one true God and the many false gods. However, the singular form for Elohim (Eloah) exists and is used in such passages as Deuteronomy 32:15-17 and Habakkuk 3:3. This singular form could easily have been used consistently. Yet it is only used 250 times, while the plural form is used 2,500 times. The far greater use of the plural form turns the argument in favor of plurality in the Godhead rather than against it.

A good article to study about seeing the Trinity in the Hebrew Scriptures can be found in the link below by Arnold Fructenbaum.


If I have a misunderstanding here, I would definitely be glad if someone pointed out a logical error. I’m not a Hebrew scholar. The Bible says:

Instruct a wise man, and he will be wiser still; teach a righteous man, and he will increase his learning.

Proverbs 9:9

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4 responses to “A Rebuttal to the Claim: There is No Relation Between the Plural Name Elohim and the Trinity”

  1. Al Gary Avatar

    Our belief in the Trinity does not stand or fall on the question of plurality in the Godhead. This is just one of many evidences we quote, not as biblical scholars, but as serious readers (by faith) of holy scripture, of God appearing to us as a trinity.

    It is not my intent to point out those evidences here, but just to acknowledge that the New Testament provides us ample cause to believe in God the Father, God the Son (Jesus), and the Holy Spirit.

    1. Chris Baldelomar Avatar
      Chris Baldelomar

      I completely agree Al! Examples above are little subtleties in the Old Testament, little hidden gems, that make complete sense only in light of the New Testament.

      “The New Testament is in the Old Testament Concealed. The Old Testament is in the New Testament Revealed.” – Augustine of Hippo

  2. Chris Baldelomar Avatar
    Chris Baldelomar

    There are little hidden gems in the Old Testament revealed and made clear in light of the New Testament, hinting at a trinity (or this plural nature of God). Similar to how God said, “Let us make man in our image”, or “Behold, the man is become as one of us”. Why does God consistently refer to Himself as a plural person in the Old Testament? Even the name Elohim is plural meaning “gods”, yet it is followed by a singular verb. “Hear, O Israel: The LORD our God is one LORD”. Literally, the LORD our (Gods) is ONE. These are interesting hints all the way back in the beginning of our Bible pointing to the Trinity made clear in the New Testament. It’s a fun topic to discuss, dissect, and understand.

  3. Thoth al Khem Avatar
    Thoth al Khem

    I am a real Hebrew reading Bible scholar. Why doesn’t anybody talk about the fact that Yahweh, if he even existed or exist still, in the old testament, killed (according to the numbers in the Bible) 2,476,633 humans not including the flood or Sodom and gomorrah. On the other hand in the first two pages of the book of job, Satan somehow made the wind blow and killed 10. You guys like worshiping a lying murderer go right ahead. The trouble with you people is you don’t really study the bible. Over an 18,000 hour period I retranslated the entire Old testament correctly. Here’s how Genesis 1 truly begins… BEGINNINGS CREATED MIGHTY ONES THE SKY THE LAND…. Y’all got a lot of work to do.

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