Jan 14 (Daily reading: Job 38-39) We come finally to the time when God ended His silence and spoke to Job and his critics. Job 38:1 says that the Lord answered Job “from the whirlwind” – from a position of power. Even though God would vindicate Job in front of his friends, He first had some words for Job. Job had asked some serious questions, and now God gave some serious answers! I summarize all of God’s powerful words about His creation by quoting His question: “Where were you when I laid the foundation of the earth?” (38:4). I counted 51 questions that God asked Job in chapters 38-39. These are rhetorical questions, because in most cases, Job’s answer could only be, “No I cannot do that, but I know that You can, and You did!” The final question is asked in Job 40:1-2: “Then the LORD said to Job, ‘Will the faultfinder contend with the Almighty? Let him who rebukes God give an answer.’”
What does all this mean to us? Jesus told us, “You are My friends if you do what I command you” (Jn. 15:14). But even as we joyfully claim this friendship, we must not forget that God is omnipotent and omniscient; we must remember His holiness and wisdom! He is our dearest friend, but He is not a “buddy” that we can take lightly. God did not appear to Job to explain Himself to him. He did not come to discuss Job’s suffering, but He did declare His glory and sovereignty. We, like Job, are smitten with awe as we read these two chapters. They lead us to contemplate the greatness of God and to recognize our own frailty. They compel us to ask our own questions: Have we placed our lives into God’s hands? Do we trust Him implicitly?
-Al Gary
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