1) Was there anything you didn’t understand from the sermon today?
2) What are doubts you have or have had about the Bible? How did you approach those doubts and what was the outcome?
3) What is the difference between church tradition and theology? Is it bad to have some tradition?
4) Before the message today, what did you know about Jesus’ birth? Was there anything you learned from the message that was particularly interesting?
5) The Bible wasn’t written by over 40 authors over thousands of years, it was written by one author who exists outside the concept of time. How does that perspective explain how the Bible is trustworthy and true, despite all the scrutiny.
6) Extra credit when you’re home today and this week – Listen to the Star of Bethlehem and Chuck Missler’s Christmas Story. I don’t agree with everything they say but it will expand your perspective of the biblical accounts. Be a Berean – listen and turn to the scriptures to evaluate what you’re told.
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