January 5th – Discussion Questions

Q. Why do you think the Psalms are important for the Christians and the Church today? Can you think of a song we sing that uses words from a Psalm?

Q. Can you share about a time when you faced a fork in the road in your life journey? How did you make the decision?

Q. Describe the progression away from God and toward danger. (Walk, Stand, Sit)

Q. What are the evidences (or results) of one who is like a well-watered tree?

Q. Do you know people who are “like chaff.” How do you recognize such people.

Q. How doe the Lord “watch over” the way of His people? Would anyone share an experience when you knew God was watching over your way?

Q. What was the challenge Moses set before the People of Israel? What did it mean to the Israelites? What is the challenge for us today?

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