Author: Phil Langley
January 5th – Discussion Questions
Q. Why do you think the Psalms are important for the Christians and the Church today? Can you think of a song we sing that uses words from a Psalm? Q. Can you share about a time when you faced a fork in the road in your life journey? How did you make the decision?…
Galatians 6:1-10 (Discussion Questions)
Keeping the Church on Mission – Discussion Questions
Q. Why did Paul go to Jerusalem with Barnabus and Timothy? Why do you think Paul felt that he was the best person to approach the Apostles? Q. Define “hypocrisy”. What did Peter and Barnabus do that caused Paul to accuse them of hypocrisy? What might some people in the church do that could be…
Galatians 1:11-24 – Discussion Questions
Q. Why do you think Paul needed so much time in Arabia? Can you imagine having to completely change your belief system? Q. Did Paul have to change to another set of holy scriptures? Why or why not? Q. Why was it important for Paul to develop his new belief system without input from the…
Be Careful How You Build – Discussion Questions
Q. What does the title “Lord” mean? What does it mean to a Christian? Q. Discuss the differences between the Good Builder and the Bad Builder? Q. According to Jesus, what is the only sure foundation for life? How does one get a solid foundation on which to build? Q. What is a cornerstone and…
Matthew 6:25-34
Q. Where do you think “worry” comes from? Q. What would you say are the primary worries of most of your friends and family? What about you? Q. Do you think there is a difference between worry and “concern.?” Explain your answer. Q. How does the concept of God as “Our Father” help us to…
The Journey for Jerusalem – Discussion Questions
Q. How did Isaiah (in Isaiah 52-53) know what would happen toJesus (The Messiah)? What does this tell us about Jesus? Q. What were the different perceptions of Jesus among the crowdat the “Triumphal Entry?” Q. Whom did Jesus say would reject him? Why is it so difficult forpeople who “believe in God” to accept…
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