Author: Niel Wostan
January 26th – Discussion Questions
Memory Verses –
Luke 1 (Discussion Questions)
1. Have someone in the group explain the importance of John the Baptist coming before Jesus. Read Isaiah 40:3 2. Why does God sometimes Delay answers to our prayers? Read Isaiah 55:8-9 3. Zechariah doubted Gods word given to him from the angel Gabriel and he was disciplined. What are some consequences to doubting God’s word. (Example Numbers…
Thanksgiving Sunday (Discussion Questions)
Galatians 4:8-20 (Discussion Questions)
Q. A definition of “god” could be someone or something who/that has a higher place in your life than God the Heavenly Father. Who or what could be a “god” in your life? Q. How would you describe the benefits of “being known by God?” Q. Paul said to the confused Galatian Christians: “Become as I am. It is…
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